

This document describes the type of Helper block and how to use it.

Helpler Block

1) Comment / Comment statements Block

Record comments or annotate specific blockset.
Commented out blocks do not work.
The Comment statements block can be folded or unfolded.
A note can be left in the Comment area, and clicking the comment in the Flag menu goes to the corresponding location, so it can be used as a bookmark.

2) Code Section

Section the blockset.
Blocksets grouped into code sections can be copied at once with Ctrl + C, etc.
The Code Section block can be folded or unfolded.
Example of using Comment, Comment Statements, Code Section block.

3) Code Injection

Overwrite the Header/Body Parameter values of the Request.
Example of using a block

4) Dictionary

After registering values by service environment in Dictionary, call values set in BizUnit
After selecting [Add] Dictionary in the selection box, find the desired Dictionary in the pop-up window and add it.
After connection, the connected Dictionary is displayed in the select box, and it can change the Dictionary with [Change] Dictionary or be disconnected with [Remove] Dictionary.
Please refer to Dictionary menu for creating information in Dictionary.