

SyncTree can use the API by configuring BizUnit in the block coding method.
This document describes how to create and manage APIs by creating a BizUnit with SyncTree.

BizUnit List

On the Bizunit List page, you can check and manage the information of the created Bizunit.
The basic configuration is the same as the App List page.
This is the API method of BizUnit.
You can enter up to 3 decimal places with the version entered when creating the BizUnit.
It is linked to the revision( Revision) management detail page of the relevant BizUnit.

Create BizUnit

Click the + Add BizUnit button in the upper right corner and enter the BizUnit information to create a BizUnit.
A description of the BizUnit information input fields.
Write a name for your BizUnit.
Write a description of your BizUnit.
Revision Name
Write the revision name to be included within the BizUnit.
Enter the version of BizUnit. Only numbers are allowed, and up to 3 decimal places can be entered. Version creation example) 0 / 1.0 / 1.01 / 1.12 / 1.123 (O) 0. / 0.1.1 / 0.1234 / a.0 (X)


1) Create Proxy

Proxy refers to the endpoint path of the API used to expose the BizUnit to the public. (Proxy List)
Write a name for the Proxy.
Proxy Method
Choose Proxy Method.
Base Path
Enter the path to the proxy. Only enter English lowercase letters, numbers, slashes (/), dashes (-), underscores (_), punctuation (.), and curly braces ({,}). - Even if the Proxy Base Path is the same, it is separated into separate URIs based on the Method. - You can have up to 12 segments (depth divided by /).
Enter a description for the proxy.

2) Create dynamic URL

Use {} for Base Path Dynamically applies the path parameter.
Set the first depth to fixed.
/api/{var1}/{var2} (O) /{var1}/api/{var2} (X)
There can be up to 12 segments (areas separated by /).
Enter up to 60 characters for each segment.
The maximum length of a base path is 720 characters.
The same variable cannot be applied more than once within a proxy.
/api/{abc}/{abc} (X)
If the Path Variable doesn't fit the form, as shown below, it won't be registered.
① If you used curly braces but did not enter a variable name (ex. {} ) ② If you enter a curly brace but don't close it (ex./{aaa) ③if you just close the curly braces without opening them (ex./aaa} ) ④ A curly brace is entered out of context (ex. /{aaa}} ) ⑤ If you enter more than one slash in a row (ex. //{a}
What if you use a dynamic URL?
The testbed displays an area where you can enter the path parameter.
You can use the Fetch Block to get the value of the path parameter.
But, the Debugger feature is disabled.

BizUnit function buttons

You can edit and manage BizUnit information by clicking the BizUnit function button.

1) Edit BizUnit

You can edit the information of Bizunit and Proxy with the Edit button.

2) Check BizUnit Push History

Check the Push History for each development environment of BizUnit with the Push History of the function button.
SyncTree's development environment adopts Git-flow method. See Revisionfor more details.
SyncTree development environment configuration (→, ↑ : Push/ ↓ : Copy) Dev(init) → Stage → Production ↑↓ ↑↓ Feature Hotfix (cf. Simultaneously pushed to Production and Dev)

3) BizUnit Replication

Duplicate function button enables BizUnit duplication.
Replication is possible only for BizUnits that are active in Dev and Production stages. (Pop-up guide text)
If you replicate BizUnit, work as below.
Name cannot be modified and is distinguished by Version.
Version must be a higher number than the previous Version.
Description and Proxy contents can be freely modified.