

This document describes the various uses of Util - Handle blocks.

Handle Block - Is Type

Block that checks the data type of Value and returns the boolean value.

1) IsArray

Determine whether the data type is Array.

2) IsBoolean

Determine whether the data type is Boolean.

3) IsFloat

Determine whether the data type is Float.

4) IsInteger

Determine whether the data type is Integer

5) IsNull

Determine whether the data type is Null.

6) IsNumeric

Determine whether the data type is Number.

7) IsString

Determine whether the data type is String.
Example of using a block

Handle Block - To Type

A block that converts a data type to another type.
Invalid Argument Excrption occurs if an inappropriate type is entered for Value.

1) ToString

Convert Value to String type.

2) ToInteger

Convert Value to Integer type.

3) ToFloat

Convert Value to Float type.
Example of using a block