

This document describes string data processing using Util - String block.

String Block

Process string data.
Supports data type conversion of integer and float.

1) String Concat

Merge multiple strings into one (target + Values).
Enter existing strings into the target, strings to add to the Values.
Click the button to add or delete Values
Example of using a block
Hex Code '20' is decoded with a blank space and needs to be explicitly blanked.

2) String Index

Return the position of a particular character in a string (value) to a number.
Specify the starting point via offset.
Example of using a block

3) String Format

Use to format a string.
In format, enter the string formatting method.
Click the button to add or delete Values.
Example of using a block
Please refer to the following link for information on formatting strings.

4) String Placeholder

Used for string interpolation, which converts a specific string to a string formatting.
String interpolation refers to a method of dynamically organizing a string by including values or calculated results within the string.
template : String Enter the string to which you want to apply the String Placeholder, specifying the part where the value changes as {key} where the value changes.
value : Specifies the value to assign to {key} in the template as a HashMap.
It doesn't matter what order the values are in the HashMap because we're looking for values based on the key.
If you register the same key multiple times, the value of the last value is registered.
It can be insert String, Integer, Float, Boolean, null, etc. as values, but not HashMap and ArrayList.
(Notes) String interpolation examples for some of the major languages

5) String Charset Encode

Use to encode strings.

6) String Length

Check the length of the string to return the results to numbers.
Example of using a block

7) String ToArray

Convert a string to an Array.
Example of using a block

8) String SubString

Extract a part from a string
Enter start (start position) and length (number of characters to extract) as the index of the string.
Example of using a block

9) String Replace

Change one character to another in a string.
Enter search (target character) and replace (replace character) as a string.
Example of using a block

10) String Replace-Regex

Convert characters in a string that match a regular expression pattern.
In pattern, enter a regular expression pattern.
Below is a block example that converts the hexadecimal code 21 (!) if the string value contains a number ([0-9]).
Please refer to the following link for information related to regular expressions.

11) String Split

Split the string by separating a specific character (column) from the string and outputs it as an array
In delimiter, enter a character (column) to act as a delimiter.
After division, the delimiter is deleted.
Example of using a block

12) String Split-Regex

Separate a specific character (column) from a string with a regular expression pattern and outputs it as an array
In pattern , enter a regular expression pattern to act as a delimiter.
After division, the delimiter is deleted.
Below is an example of separating a string that specifies a character not a capital (A-Z) or lower case (a-z) or number (0-9) as a delimiter in the string value . ‘,’ acts as a delimiter by registered regular expression patterns.

13) String LTrim

Use to delete the left blank in the string.
Example of using a block

14) String RTrim

Use to delete the right blank of the string.
Example of using a block