
API Portal Admin

This document describes API Portal page access, membership, login, and API List pages.

Plan Control

The access rights of the API Portal Admin and the period that can be viewed in API Monitoring are controlled by your subcribe.
API Portal Admin
1 Day
3 Days
2 Weeks
4 Weeks

Start API Portal Admin

1) How to access API Portal Admin

There are two ways to access the API Portal.
Click the API Portal button in Sync Tree Studio to access it.
Enter the URL directly to access it.

2) API Portal Admin Sign in Page

You can Sign in from the initial API Portal Admin page.

3) Creating an API Portal Admin account

API Portal Admin has limited account creation for administrative purposes.
There are two ways to create an account:
If you are logged in with the Root account in Studio, you will automatically log in to API Portal Admin when you click API Portal. If you log out and log in again, your account information is the same as your Studio account.
After you log in to the API Portal with your Root account, you can create an account with Create Admin from the Admin tab in Management > Account.

4) Main Page

If you log in to API Portal Admin, you can check the main page as below.
Check API usage and log messages in dashboard format.
My Page Button
Click the Person icon in the upper right corner to verify the information and reset the password for the account logged into the API Portal.
Click the + Create App button in the upper right corner to configure the API registered in the API Portal as an App, and the App page shows the list of generated apps.
Deploy Bizunit pushed from Studio to Production's Active to API Portal by clicking the + Create API button in the upper right corner.
A page that manages the API Portal, accounts, usage control, etc.
Deploy *
This feature is approved by the approval authority when distributing the details of work done in the development environment to the production environment.
Deploy is available on a limited basis, depending on how the solution is delivered.


1) Create API

Enter the Create API page through the top right + Create API button of the API menu.
BizUnits to be deployed through API Portal are grouped into API groups in API Resources.
API Name : Name managed inside the API Portal.
Display Name : Name that is exposed to the user externally in the API Portal.
Descriprion : Description statement of API. It can change lines and supports up to 1,000 characters.

2) API List

You can check the list of APIs you have deployed on the API initial page.
You can view API resources registered with that API in API Resources.
If Status is inactive, the API is not exposed to the API Portal used by EndUser.

3) API Detail

Check API information on each API detail page and modify API Resources.
Click the Delete button to expose the confirmation notification window. If you proceed with the deletion, the API registered in the API Portal will also be deleted.
Enable Testing Anonymous, you can test the API without logging in to the API Portal.


1) Create APP

Enter the Create App page through the top right + Create App button of the APP menu.
Select the API to bind to APP among the APIs distributed through the API Portal, write the name and description, and create the APP.

2) APP List

You can view the history and information of all APPs created in the API Portal and API Portal Admin.
Click on each APP to enter the details page of the APP.

3) APP Detail

It can be checked the APP's information, credentials, and registered API list.
Click Modify to modify the app information.
On the Modify App page, create an authentication credential to invoke the API registered with the app.
Depending on how you supply the solution, you might need to proceed with Deploy first.

API Portal Management

1) API Monitoring

It can be showed API usage and log messages in dashboard form.
Area where you select the APP or API to monitor.
Select the monitoring period or enter your own.
Select Status and latency as search criteria.
Check API Monitorin result data in a graph.

2) API Management

(1) Portal
It is showed the link between API Portal Admin and API Portal, and modified the name and description of the Portal.
(2) Account
User information of API Portal Admin and API Portal can be checked, and the generation conditions are as follows.
생성 주체
API Portal Admin
Create and manage APIs
Root 계정
API Portal
API document verification and testing
API Portal Admin and API Portal accounts do not work together.
(3) Rate Limit
Control the call volume of the API to reliably operate the service from excessive traffic.
Search by API name and descriptive wording through the Search bar.
Click the Rate Limit button to set the TPS (1 second/request count) in the exposed pop-up. Displays the number of requests per minute (requests per second), and the default value of unlimited requests is unlimited.
If a request exceeds the TPS value, the request will be limited by returning a 429 Toolman Request.