This document describes Crypto encryption in block coding method.
Crypto Block
1) Encrypt
Encrypt the string as entered in Method.
An encryption key is a value used together with an algorithm for encryption or decryption.
iv is the initialization vector, which means the value used to encrypt the first block.
Example of using a block
2) Decrypt
Decrypt the encrypted string in the manner entered in Method.
Example of using a block
3) Crypt Option
Option block of encryption method.
4) Crypt Method
Crypt Method is a cryptographic algorithm.
The methods that can be supported are as follows. Menus that are not in the drop-down list can be registered by entering the string block directly.
AES-128-CBC | AES-256-CFB8 | aes-128-cfb1 | bf-cbc | cast |
AES-128-CFB | AES-256-OFB | aes-128-cfb8 | bf-cfb | CAST-cbc |
AES-128-CFB1 | BF-CBC | aes-128-ofb | bf-ofb | IDEA |
AES-128-CFB8 | BF-CFB | aes-192-cbc | cast5-cbc | aes128 |
AES-128-OFB | BF-OFB | aes-192-cfb | cast5-cfb | aes192 |
AES-192-CBC | CAST5-CBC | aes-192-cfb1 | cast5-ofb | aes256 |
AES-192-CFB | CAST5-CFB | aes-192-cfb8 | idea-cbc | bf |
AES-192-CFB1 | CAST5-OFB | aes-192-ofb | idea-cfb | blowfish |
AES-192-CFB8 | IDEA-CBC | aes-256-cbc | idea-ofb | cast |
AES-192-OFB | IDEA-CFB | aes-256-cfb | AES128 | cast-cbc |
AES-256-CBC | IDEA-OFB | aes-256-cfb1 | AES192 | idea |
AES-256-CFB | aes-128-cbc | aes-256-cfb8 | AES256 | - |
AES-256-FB1 | aes-128-cfb | aes-256-ofb | BF | - |
RSA Block
1) RSA Encrypt
Encrypt the string RSA method.
2) RSA Decrypt
Decrypt strings encrypted using RSA methods
3) RSA Crypt Option
Option block of the RSA encryption method.
RSA Block Usage Example
Data encrypted with RSA is in Binary form, and the actual API call works normally.
However, since SyncTree Testbed deals with json Data, an Error may occur when executing the Test, so it is recommended to Base 64 encode(decode) before and after encryption and decryption.
SyncTree SaaS currently does not support Local File connection. Please connect the Public Key and Private Key using the String Block.
1) RSA Encrypt Example
2) RSA Decrypt Example
The RSA password is one of the public key cryptosystems, known as the first algorithm that can be electronically signed as well as encrypted. Please refer to the following link for detailed explanation.