

This document describes how to specify a data type through a Primitive block.

What is a Primitive block?

Most programming languages set up data types in advance for optimal memory allocation for data use and declare the data types before use.
A primitive block is a block that specifies a data type. Classify and identify the type of data used by specifying the data type

Types of Primitive blocks

1) string

The String block specifies character data type.
All values entered are recognized as strings.
No separate identifier is required, such as quotation marks (').

2) multi-line string

It is a block that specifies space (Space Bar) or line break (Enter).

3) integer

The Integer block specifies integer data type.
Only -signs and numbers can be entered
No operation is performed within the block. If you need math, use the math block.

4) float

The Float block specifies real data type.
Only decimal points, -signs, and numbers can be entered.
No operation is performed within the block. If you need math, use the math block.

5) boolean

The boomeran block specifies the boomeran logic value
Select the value as true / false from the drop-down list.

6) null

The null block specifies the null value

Example of using a Primitive block

Primitive blocks are not used alone, but are used in other blocks to define data types for variables, parameter values, and factors.