

This document describes various uses of the Util - Decimal block.

Decimal Block - Operation

Decimal blocks process data in decimal form.
scale represents the number of decimal places and is input as positive integer type.
1) Decimal block is applied to decimal in each block
The execution result of the Decimal block is checked through the console log message.

1) Decimal

Convert a text representation (value) of a specific radix to a decimal number.

2) Decimal Add

Perform decimal addition.

3) Decimal Subtract

Perform decimal subtraction.

4) Decimal Mutiply

Perform decimal multiplication.

5) Decimal Divide

Perform decimal division.
Example of using a block

Decimal Block - Return

1) Decimal Abs

Return the absolute decimal value.

2) Decimal Round

Perform decimal rounding off.

3) Decimal Floor

Perform decimal rounding down.

4) Decimal Ceil

Perform decimal rounding up.
Example of using a block

Decimal Block - Conversion

1) Decimal ToString

Return decimal numbers to string.

2) Decimal ToInteger

Convert a decimal number to an integer.

3) Decimal ToFloat

Convert decimal floating point
Example of using a block