
Block Store Registration guide (EN)

This document guides you how to create Block and register Block Package after registering as a Block Store Provider.

Block Provider Request

Block Provider is a producer of Block and Block Package.
To register a Block Package with Block Store, you must first apply for provider permission.

1) Go to Block Store Console

Block Provider and Block Package registration are done through the Block Store Console in the API Portal Admin.
If you do not have provider permission, only the Provider Request menu will be displayed.

2) Pre-work

To apply for Block Provider Permission, the organization information of the API Portal admin account that is making the request must be entered.
Check the organization information of the account in Management > Account menu and enter it.

3) Provider Request

Proceed with the Provider Request by clicking the Request for Approval button in the Block Store Console > Provider Request menu.
After approval by the Block Store Administrator(hereafter B/O Admin , Back Office Admin), provider status is obtained.
You can check the progress through the Status after the request, and you can register Block Packages after it is approved.
In History, you can also check the history of registration requests for Block Packages in the future.
After the Provider Request is approved, three menus are displayed, each with the following purposes.
Create and manage block packages.
Check the approval status for registering block packages.
Register APIs as blocks and manage them by version.

Register Block

1) Register Block

Block is an application (API) wrapped in a certain unit.
Register a block by clicking the + Create Block button in Block Store Console > Blocks.
To register a block, you need information such as the endpoint, method, request parameter, and response parameter required to call it.
Even if it is not an API created in SyncTree, it can be registered, but it is recommended to register an API that can be continuously managed as a block in the future.
Enter the name of the block following the naming format.
{Service Provider Name}:{Function Name}-{Service Integration Name} Example) Google:getUserInfo-OAuth 2.0 Ntuple:getTrain-ga-G
Enter the endpoint and method of the API used in the block.
Enter the version of the block.
Up to 3 digits for integers and decimals. It should only be written in numbers. Examples) (O) 1.0, 1.004, 10.352 (X) .0, 2., 01.0, 0
Enter the description of the block following the description format.
[Basic Information] {Enter the basic information of the API.} [Reference Note] {Enter the link or description to refer to for API information. If not, it is okay to enter only "basic information".}
Enter the request parameters. Delete unnecessary parameters with the trash can button.
- Key: The key of the request parameter. - Value: The default value of the request parameter value. - Type: Specifies the type of the request parameter value. - Required: Indicates whether the parameter is required in the block specification and Document Pair Block. - Display: Does not display the parameter in the block specification and Block (used when applying the parameter forcibly). - Description: Displays the description of the parameter in the block specification and Document Pair Block
Enter the response parameters. Delete unnecessary parameters with the trash can button.
- Key, Required, and Description are the same as Request Parameters. - Code: Enter the response status code when defining it. - Response Message: Enter the response message corresponding to the registered response code.
Complete the block registration by clicking the Create button.
When registering a block, the contents should be written in English by default, considering versatility.

2) Blocks List

Registered blocks can be viewed in the Blocks List.
You can see which block package is in use by the Package Used along with basic information such as the name, version, and modification date of the block.
Select a block to check and modify the contents of the block on the detail page.

Register Block Package

1) Create Block Package

Block Package is a collection of blocks that are provided as a service by bundling them by function or use.
Register a block package by clicking the + Create Package button in the API Portal > Block Store Console > Packages menu.
After registration, the block package is listed in the Block Store after approval by the API Portal admin and B/O Admin.
Enter the name of the block package following the naming format.
{Service Provider Name}:{Service Integration Name} Example) Google:OAuth 2.0 Ntuple:ga-G
Enter the subtitle of the block package.
Select a suitable category for classification when the block category is listed
The block provider is automatically entered.
Enter the amount to be charged per 1 API call by users who subscribe to the block package. If you enter the amount, the amount for 10,000 calls is automatically calculated and displayed in the upper right corner
Example) Cost 0.001$ → ※ $10 per 10,000 call
Used when providing an external specification page for block package use.
Enter as a URL type. Only English, numbers, and special characters can be entered.
Register the icon of the block package. The registered icon is displayed in the upper right area.
Enter the version of the block package.
Up to 3 digits for integers and decimals. It should only be written in numbers. Examples) (O) 1.0, 1.004, 10.352 (X) .0, 2., 01.0, 0
Enter the description of the block package following the description format.
[Basic Information] {Enter the basic information of the package.} [Key Features] {Enter the main features included in the package.}
Select the block to be added to the block package by clicking the + Add Block button
Specify the API Portal Admin approval line for the block package. Up to 2 API Portal admins who have approval permission for the approval can be specified
Permission can be checked in API Portal Admin > Account > Admin
Click the Create button.
When registering a block package, the contents should be written in English by default, considering versatility.

2) Block Package Approval Request

The approval for the Block Package is processed in two stages before being registered in the Block Store : internal approval (API Portal Admin approval) and external approval (B/O Admin approval).
The Block Store Console > Progress shows the approval status of the registered Block Package.
If you select My Approvals, you can see only the approval list that you need to approve for the current logged-in account.
Click the Request to check the content of the Block Package and proceed with the approval on the detailed page.
Approve: Approve the Block Package approval request.
Reject: Reject the Block Package approval request with a reason in the comment.
The status is automatically changed depending on the progress status, and the major statuses are as follows.
Wait for 1st Approval
Package creation complete, waiting for the first approval
When there is only one approver, the approval is changed to Requested for Approval after the approval.
Wait for 2nd Approval
First approval complete, waiting for the second approval
Requested for Approval
API Potral Admin internal approval complete, requesting B/O approval
Rejected by 1st Approver
First approval rejected
Rejected by 2nd Approver
Second approval rejected
B/O Admin approval complete, posted to Block Store
Package update is available
Rejected by B/O Admin
B/O Admin rejection
Package update is available
Not exposed in the Package list of Block Store
Users who subscribed to the package before it was paused can check it on the Subscribe screen in Studio.

3) move to Block Store

Block Packages approved by B/O Admin are published through Studio's Block Store, and all SyncTree users can subscribe to and use Block Packages.
Select the Block Package, and check the details of the Block Package and subscribe to it.

Version Update

1) Version Update Rules

Blocks and Block Packages created cannot be deleted but can be maintained through Version Update.
Version Update is available only after the approval process is completed or rejected.
The updated version must be higher than the previous version.

1) Block Update

If information related to the Block has changed, Version Update should be carried out.
Changeable information: Method, Endpoint, Block Description, Request Parameter, Response Parameter
After the update, you can select the Version on the Block detail page to check the information of the previous Version.
If it is registered in a Block Package, it will be posted as the previous Version contained in the existing Block Package regardless of whether it has been updated. In other words, the Block Package must also be updated to provide the updated Block.

2) Block Package Update

Block Package is updated in the following cases.
When the registered Block in Block Package is updated
When Package information modification is required after approval or rejection
When re-approval is required after modifying the information due to rejection of Block Package approval
Block Package Update is available at each stage according to the Status.
Block Package Update
Wait for 1st Approval
Not available
Wait for 2nd Approval
Not available
Requested for Approval
Not available
Rejected by 1st Approver
Rejected by 2nd Approver
Rejected by B/O Admin
Changeable information: Subtitle, Category, Cost, Guide URL, Package Icon, Version, Description, Blocks In Package, Approvers
When the Block Package Update is complete, it is immediately in the first approval waiting state (Waiting for 1st Approval).
After the update, you can select the Version on the Block Package detail page to check the information of the previous Version.