

This document describes how to pass OAuth2.0 authentication and receive an access token by block coding method.

About OAuth2.0

OAuth2.0 Block

JWT issuance and verification are possible through blocks in the Authorization > OAuth block category.

1) OAuth2.0 Authorize

Create OAuth Authorization.
Register supported-scope as string(ArrayList) type.
For lifetime, enter an integer type in seconds.

2) OAuth2.0 Token Create

Generate Access Token through OAuth2.0 authentication.
Enter the expiration time of the access token in seconds.
Specify the type of access token. Issue the Bear type Token if the default is null.
Use to specify the range of api accessible through the access token. In the form of an ArrayList, enter the value of the scope specified in the Request data and the additional scope.
The expiration time of the refresh token, which is also written in seconds.
When issuing a new access token with a refresh token,select whether to receive a new refresh token with true/false.
Use to define an additional function or separate extensions to specify your own OAuth 2.0 authentication method.

3) OAuth2.0 Token Verify

Verify the Access Token issued through OAuth2.0 authentication.
In Token, enter the value of the token to be verified.
Token type is specified as bearer token type if null.
In supported-scope, enter the scope specified when issuing the token.

4) OAuth2.0 Token Revoke

Discard the token entered in the token.

5) OAuth JWT Token Type

Use to issue JWT tokens through OAuth2.0 authentication.
The algo is the JWT hashing algorithm, key is the Jwt issuance Secret Key, and payload is the information of JWT.

6) JWT Payload

Create JWT information (Claim).

7) SAML2 Bearer Assertion

Issue the SAML Assertion.
For an example of OAuth2.0 Token creation, refer to OAuth2.0 Token Issuance and Verification menu.