This document describes the concept and creation of credentials, and how to connect with BizUnit.
What is Credential?
Credential is a function that creates and manages an authentication key value that calls a specific API.
Manage API calls by issuing different credential keys for each user or App.
Credential Group Management
Credential creates a group first, and then creates a credential in the group.
1) Create Credential Group
After clicking the + Create Credential Group button at the top right of the Credential page, create the Credential Group by writing the name and description of the Credential Group.
2) Editing and Deleting Credential Group
Modify and delete Credential Group information through the created Credential Group function button.
Deletion of Credential Group is activated when there is no connected App.
Credential Management
Select the created Credential Group and enter the Credential detail page to create and manage Credentials.
1) Create Credential
Credential is created for each development environment
The current type of credential provided by SyncTree is OAuth 2.0 and SimpleKey.
Below is an example of SimpleKey and OAuth2.0 Credential issuance, respectively.
SimpleKey : Authentication method through SimpleKey verification
OAuth2.0 : It is a token-based general-purpose authorization framework, and a method of issuing Access Tokens through Client ID and Client Secret (Introduction to OAuth2.0)
2) Credential Management
View and delete detailed Credential information with the function button
Credentials cannot be edited.