
API Portal

This document describes API Portal page access, membership, login, and API List pages.

Plan Control

Access rights to the API Portal are controlled by your subcribe plan.
API Portal

Start API Portal

1) How to access API Portal

There are two ways to access the API Portal.
Access the API Portal by clicking the API Portal link from the Management > Portal menu in the API Portal Admin.
Enter the URL directly to access it.

2) API Portal Sign in and Sign up Page

You can sign up and log in from the API Portal Admin initial page.
Click "To Check the API" to check the API specification and test it with Testing Anonymously only even when you are not logged in.


It shows a list of APIs deployed by your administrator in the API Portal Admin.
The detailed page of each API allows you to test the API specification.


1) Create APP

Enter the Create App page through the top right + Create App button of the APP menu.
Select the API to bind to APP among the APIs distributed through the API Portal, write the name and description, and create the APP.

2) APP List

It shows the history and information of the API Portal account and the APP that API Portal Admin creates.
Click on each APP to enter the details page of the APP.
Click on the API to see the information of the API registered in the APP.
Click Credentials to view information about the credentials registered with the APP.

3) APP Detail

It shows the APP's information, credentials, and registered API list.
Click Modify to modify the app information.
On the Modify App page, create an authentication credential to invoke the API registered with the app.